We have won our last four out of five. It started with a home win against Charlotte. Then we headed on the road to play New Orleans. We got a great game from DeShawn who hit for 33 points including the game winner with no time remaining. A great win versus a tough team.

   Next up for us was Houston. It was our fourth game in five nights  in four different cities. Houston is the hottest team in the league right now, having won 13 games in a row. The day before we play them they announce that Yao will be out for the season with a stree fracture. It seems like everyone is getting hit with the injury bug. Houston pummeled us, we did not have any energy nor could we get anything going on offensive. Dikembe looked like he was twenty years old again. The only positive thing that happened in Houston was that I got to see my good friend Dennis Skeadas. It is always great to see friends while being on the road, too bad you only get to see them for a short time.

    We left for Chicago the following morning. Had the day off. Thursday we practiced at Tim Grover’s place (ATTACK ATHLETICS) it is a state of the art basketball facility. All of the players and coaches loved it there. I got to see my man Mike Procopio who has been working with Tim for a few years now. Mike used to work my College Camps and I miss working with him. Friday we played Chicago and were down 18 at the half. Coach Jordan gave some half time talk and we came away with a victory. Opened up the third quarter with a 22 to 1 run. The guys never gave up when it would’ve been easy to quit and pack it in.

    We returned to DC late Friday night. Had Saturday off which was much deserved and needed. All of the guys are tired and banged up. The rest will do us a world of good. It will be great to see Carole and McKenna after being gone since last Sunday. I really cherish the time that I get to spend with them.

    We have a 6:00pm game on Sunday versus New Orleans again. Everyone is saying that they will be looking for revenge and it will be payback time. Coach Hubbard says that we will beat them again. It turns out that HUB is a prophet as we beat the Hornets again. They were 39-19 coming into the game. We closed the game out with a 19-0 run. Very impressive.

    Our defense has been getting better, but the past couple of games it has been fantastic. Randy Ayers has done an incredible job thorughout the year getting the guys to play defense. If we continue to defend and share the ball we will be alright. Hopefully Caron and Gilbert will be back to close out the regular season and then the Wizards can do some damage in the playoffs.

     Let’s take time to be thankful for all that we have and to count our blessings each and every day.

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