Camp has just broken and we are on the bus heading back to Washington, DC. I have  my head phones listening to “THE BOSS” can hardly wait to see Carole and McKenna. The coaches have been in Richmond since last Wednesday. That was ten days ago but it seems much longer. Every one is anxious to get the season under way.

   The players all worked hard throughout the week that they were there. Tonight it was capped off with a scrimmage. The gaame was open to the public. The fans were great as was everyone at VCU. Everyone at VCU went above and beyond their duties in making us feel at home. We had both of our floors down there. The facility is top notch with plenty of room for training camp.

    BWood was our lone casualty as he hurt his wrist yesterday in practice. At this time we don’t know the extent of his injury. Let’s hope that Wood is back quickly and better than ever. It is amazing to see Etan out there after all that he has been through. Dee Brown has great speed and quickness, he can pressure the ball fullcourt and push it on offense. It is good to see Pech out there. The poor kid loves the game and wants to play but unfortunately he has had problems with both ankles. Nick and Dom should be much better with a year of experience under their belts. Andray had a great camp and he needs to continue to improve and sustain it. Antawn, Caron and Antonio are our captains and you couldn’t ask for better pro’s or people to be your team leaders. The young guys don’t know how lucky they are to have them in the locker room. Javale is our first round pick and he really is something, he just needs to get bigger and stronger. JaVale does some amazing things however with his speed, quickness, agility and reach. Darius is Darius solid and steady doing whatever it takes for us to win. His back is getting better. D Steve is rounding into game shape and is ready to be our stopper once again this season.

   Also in camp are Juan Dixon, DerMArr Johnson, Linton Johnson, and Taj McCullough. They all are working hard and have brought alot of energy to camp. Looking forward to seeing them in pre season.

   While at camp Gilbert had the guys coming over and starting the day off with 300 makes. Gil was also getting the young guys to go thru the offense. Can’t wait to get him back healthy.

   Could everyone out there please pray for our equipment manager and his family. Jerry Walters is a great guy but his mom isn’t doing well. JW as he is affectionately known had to leave camp to be with her. He is in my thoughts and prayers. Hurry back.

  Keep reading and I’ll keep blogging.


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