It is very hard to believe that I graduated from high school in 1975, thirty five years ago. The years have gone by quickly and now I want them to slow down so I can enjoy my daughter, McKenna. Mckenna is already four, she will be all grown up before I know it. I cherish every moment that we are together. Time is too short, so enjoy life with your loved ones.Crazy happenings in Washington, DC. It will be interesting to see how this is handled by the WIZARDS and the NBA. Thank GOD that I am no longer involved with them.Not being with the NBA gives me alot more time with my wife and daughter. Before Christmas I was in Ft. Myers with my wife, daughter and Jessica (our nanny) for a week. At Christmas I was able to be with the family and see my daughter open up her presents. It was awesome to see how excited she got with each and every present. Then my wife and I went back to Florida to ring in the new year. We actually just went to dinner with some friends of hers, in Palm Beach. McKenna got to stay with her grammy and grandpa while we were in Florida.Now we are home until Saturday and then it is off to Vail, Colorado for a week of work but Carole and McKenna will be with me. Carole and McKenna will get to ski while I am in the gym. I am looking forward to watching McKenna learn to ski. I never learned and have gone only twice in my life. It’s something that we didn’t do during basketball season. I am not about to start skiing at 52 years of age. Although I did learn how to ride a motorcycle at 52.In 2010 my goals are to spend more time with my wife and daughter, be a better husband and father, be a better Christian and may my love grow more and more for others. Praise the LORD and let him know how you feel, we all have so much to be thankful for.

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