Sorry, I haven’t been writing much this year. There’s not alot to write about when you are struggling. Well today we were informed that Antonio Daniels was traded and we were letting Dee Brown go. I will miss the both of them very much. Antonio will be off to New Orleans and hopefully someone will pick up Dee.

   Antonio is a true gentleman and professional. He will be missed by everyone in the organization. It will be odd tomorrow morning at 9:00am and there isn’t a knock on the door to go shoot before shootaround. AD did this at every home game and then he would be the first one back in the afternoon. There’s a reason why AD has been in the league as long as he has. My friend I wish you all the luck and I look forward to seeing you again in the not to distant future. My wife and daughter will miss you and your family. Take care and God Bless, my friend.

    Dee Brown was brought in to be the third point guard and he ended up starting for us. Now he has been released. Dee did everything that was asked of him and now he is gone. I wish Dee the best of luck as well and I am sure you will be picked up by someone quickly.

    I have enjoyed my time with AD and Dee, they always worked hard and did everything that you asked them to do.

    It is tough when someone gets traded or fired because you are like an extended family. Think about it, all of the time that you spend together, the goals that you share, meals that you eat together, film that you watch and all the talking and listening that you do. I just can’t get used to it. When I was in Toronto and Freddie Jones was traded I was sad to see Freddie go, although he was happy to go home (Portland). Then when I left Toronto I felt so bad because we had such a good group of guys. I still miss each and everyone of them and everyone in the organization. Now I miss my friends Eddie, Mike, AD and Dee. I know it is all a business but that doesn’t make it any easier. I am just thankful that I have had an opportunity to have worked for Eddie and worked with Mike as well as having coached AD and Dee.

     I want to take this time to wish everyone a very MERRY CHRISTMAS. Take the time to tell someone that you love them and how much they mean to you.

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