Yesterday started off just like any other day, up at six, a quick shower a kiss for my wife and daughter while they are still asleep. Out the door and off to the Verizon Center. In the office by seven. Mike, Randy and Eddie are already there. Review some tape and get ready for Golden State. Today it never got to that as we were informed that Eddie Jordan and Mike O’Koren are being let go. Never liked the word “fired.” Needless to say all of the coaches were shocked and are still surprised by this. I ‘ve been told more than once it is the nature of the business. The day seemed surreal.

I want to thank everyone that called to see how I am doing.

I woke up today thinking that it was all a dream. It wasn’t. Coach Jordan was the second coach to be let go in the NBA this season. I am sure others will follow.

The reason that this is so difficult is because Eddie and Mike are GREAT guys.  As good as they are as coaches, they are even better human beings. I am blessed to have spent a season with them. It seems like I was with them longer as we did so much as a staff. I learned so much from them, they are true professionals. It won’t be long until somebody else hires them.

Today it seemed odd to say the least, coming into the office and not having Mike at his desk, Coach not being in his office and Randy out due to surgery that he is having today. Good luck Randy, you are in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you a speedy recovery. You will be missed too, luckily you are coming back after you mend. I don’t know when I will see Eddie and Mike, but you guys are my friends and I want you to know that I will miss you guys and I am looking forward to seeing you again. Maybe in Maine. Surely before that.

Good things happen to good people and the both of you are GREAT people. Take care and GOD BLESS.

Ed Tapscott is now the head coach. He is one of the smartest men that I know. He always tells me that I must not know many people. The coaches meeting this morning seemed strange with only Tap, Hub, Wes and myself being there. Finished the coaches meeting and had our shoot around. Now it’s up to us to play Golden State..

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