I have enjoyed my time off with my wife and daughter, it is always cherished and it seems like McKenna is growing up too fast. The weather in Maine has been beautiful. I left yesterday for Denver. Every year I do a shooting camp with Mark Sharpley of JAM. He does a great job of getting kids. This year is another sellout. Today camp went well as it always does in Colorado. I started camp off with my shooting demo. It is my first of the summer and I finished up 261 for 263. I was pleased with that as I have been spending time with the family and have not been shooting as much as I have in the past.

   Camp continues tomorrow and will end at 3:00 pm. Then I have some time to kill before flying out at 9:00 pm. I fly from Denver to San Francisco and then from SF to China. I am looking forward to the All Asia Camp as NIKE does everything first class. The players are getting better every year throughout the world. It should be interesting as I get into China around 10:30 on Tuesday  morning and then I will do my shooting demo for the players and coaches later that evening. It will be a real challenge as I will be fighting  jet lag.

   I am looking forward to seeing my main man Rich Sheubrooks. Rich I have known since his days with the Strength Shoe. The years have flown by and I have had some laughs with Rich as well as many, many fond memories of our time together working and sightseeing. He has brought me into every event that he is involved with. Rich has helped me see the world. I have done clinics all over Europe with Rich and every camp is better than the last. Now Rich has brought me to Asia. We have done this camp for the past several years. It won’t be the same without Mike Hackman, but it will still be an unforgettable camp.

   JT will be there as well. JT is none other than Jim Todd who is one of my best friends. Last year he was instrumental in bringing me up to Toronto. JT tried to hire me when he was the head coach of the Clippers. He has always been in my corner trying to get me into the NBA. I am sure that he will be a fine addition to the staff at the All Asia Camp. JT’s knowledge of the game and skill development is second to none.

   I am also looking forward to once again working with Rob Beveridge (He comes from the land down under), Bill Peterson of the Milwaukee Bucks, Jaron Akanna, Blair Donovan and meeting JB Bickerstaff. It will be interesting to see who the next NBA player from the camp will be.

  Stay tuned and I will let everyone know how it goes in China.

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