The summer has come to an end and fall is upon us. Baseball season is coming to an end and the playoffs will begin shortly. Football season is here and that means hockey and basketball will start their season as well.On my way to Troy, New York from Baltimore I stopped in Plattekill, NY to go to the rest room. While washing my hands there is a guy next to me washing his feet in the sink. He was there taking off his shoes and socks. I thought to myself here is a guy washing his feet and then there are people that don’t wash their hands after going to the bathroom. Both scenarios are gross. What will I see on my next trip? My fall season began today in Troy, New York at Hudson Valley Community College. Obama will be here on Monday. I was hoping he would be a camper this weekend as he is a true hoophead. It has been some time since I’ve done anything in the Albany area. As always it was fun teaching the game of basketball to the kids. The camp began with me doing my shooting lecture and about twenty minutes into the lecture the lights went out. I finally shot the lights out. The lecture continued and I finished up shooting 385 for 389.After the shooting demo the kids broke into groups and did form shooting. The coaches at the hoops were the college women from RPI. They did a great job coaching. Once the form shooting was done we continued to work on the shot off of the bounce and off of a catch and shoot.The afternoon session we got into shooting on the move going from left to right and right to left. Tomorrow we will continue to work on improving our shot and how to practice on our own. We still have to cover shot fakes, jab jumpshot and creating space.Once camp ends I will head home for a day and then get on a plane for Naples, FL. I will be down there for a couple days and then head to New Jersey to do a corporate speaking engagement.NBA training camps open up on the 29th of September. It looks like the officials won’t be starting the season as their contracts expired and are having trouble agreeing to a deal.I want to thank everyone for reading my blog, but most of all I would like to thank the GOOD LORD for all of my family and friends. Take time out of your day to pray for your friends and loved ones. Give praise to the LORD.

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