It is hard to believe that the summer is coming to an end. I have had a very busy summer as usual. Once I left Washington I was off to Vacationland (MAINE). I got to spend some time with my wife and daughter. Then I was off to China with NIKE for the All Asia Camp. It has been going on for quite some time and I am proud to say that I have been to every one of the NIKE AAC.Came back from China and worked some camps and also spent some time with my good friend Mike Stevens in Carbondale, Illinois. The place that time forgot. I don’t know how Clyde survived there. Tried to get something to eat on Father’s day and two of the better restaurants were closed. Went to a Dairy Queen and they only have chocolate ice cream on Thursdays. Tried to take a boat out at a marina and the marina was closed on Monday, went back on Tuesday and they said that they don’t rent boats on Tuesdays. I’m not making this stuff up. At least I got to work with some great kids at the Brehm School.Then it was off to China again with the NBA. I had a great time in two cities that I’ve never been to. I met a great group of guys. Marty, Pat, Jeremiah, Dave, Anderson and Kobe . Did some sightseeing as well while I was in Wuhan. Wuhan is a very beautiful city with lots of lakes and water.Came back from China and had another nightmare flying. This time with DELTA. My bags were soaking wet and so was everything inside of them. They were left on the tarmac in Atlanta (during a storm) as I was awaiting my flight home to Maine. Flight was delayed and I didn’t get in until 3:00am. I could go on about this whole episode that I am still dealing with.I have spoken at around sixteen camps this summer. I still have one more to do on Thursday. It’s hard to believe that I used to speak at over a 100 during the summer.This fall, winter and spring I will be available to speak at schools, colleges and also do my camps, clinics, demonstrations and motivational speeches. If anyone is interested in having me come in and speak don’t hesitate to contact me through my website.I would like to thank everyone that actually reads this and thank all of my friends for their support and prayers. Take care and God Bless everyone.

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