This is the second week of workouts and they are going well. The players are all playing hard and pushing one another. The mix of players has been usually four bigs and two guards. This week however we have had a group of four guards and two bigs. Another day we had two points, two shooting guards and two small forwards.

   The workouts are great for the kids that are in college it gives them a feel to where they are and what they need to work on. It also gives them the experience to have gone thru an NBA workout and it will only help them in the future. The player has to be realistic about his game and decide whether his game is ready for the pro’s or would another year of college do him some good. Hopefully his coach does his homework and gives the kid the right advice.

    I feel sorry for some of the kids that have hired an agent and they don’t have a chance of getting drafted. Now they can’t go back to school and then they don’t have the NBA. Europe is always an option. I wonder how many undrafted underclassmen go overseas and I wonder how many stay and are successful? I know college is not for everyone, but you have to do the math and see how many people have declared for the draft, how many foriegn players are in the draft and then how many seniors will be in the draft. There are only thirty spots in the first round and they are the only ones that will be getting guaranteed money. Too often these kids listen to their friends, agents and hanger ons and they all tell them the same thing. “Man you are going to be in the league and be an ALL STAR.” The kids should be listening to someone who tells them, “this is what you need to do to get better and what if you don’t have basketball. What are you going to do if you don’t make it? What are you going to do if you get hurt? What are your plans when your career is over.”

   Think of how many guys that have had short careers in the NBA? It is tough to do and there are alot of them. However they are soon forgot because they didn’t stick.

   Have a great weekend and Happy Father’s Day to all of the Dad’s.

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