Delonte West, Delonte West, Delonte West that is what I kept seeing in my sleep hitting a corner three. Was it a bad dream? Unfortunately it was not a dream and I can’t stop seeing it. It must seem like deja vu for Wizard fans as Damon Jones hit one in another series a couple of years ago, if I am not mistaken. Cleveland gets another REBOUND, another REBOUND, another and I am losing my mind and sleep. And we are down three games to one.

 We lost game four at home 100-97. It was a tough loss as they all are. The close games really eat at you because you analyze every possession and try to see what you could have done differently. Then you watch it over and over and every time that you watch it you become sick to your stomach. The crowd was in their WHITE and my brother, his daughter and my two aunts were in the house. They got to see a great game but unfortunately the result is not the one that we were looking for.

    Cleveland pounded us on the boards and they shot the three ball very well. Delonte West hit his shots, none bigger than the one in the fourth that turned out to be the game winner with 5.4 seconds on the clock. We had the last chance and came up short. Gilbert’s three was off the mark. Then you start thinking if only Gil was healthy he would’ve made that shot. Then you think more and wonder what our record would have been if Gil was healthy all year. What if we had Etan, Caron and Antonio for the entire season?Like I said losing eats at you. It makes you think of all sorts of things.

    We will practice today and tomorrow. After tomorrow’s practice we will fly to Cleveland for game five. What we must do to win in game five is REBOUND the ball better and find their shooters and keep LeBron from getting to the hoop. If he does go to the hoop we must wrap him up so he doesn’t get the ball to the basket. That is easier said than done. LeBron is just so big, powerful and strong. I would make him earn his points at the line.

    Wizard fans keep rooting us on, this team has done a great job all year long especially when having our backs against the wall. Until next time. May all your shots hit nothing but the bottom of the net.

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