It is hard to believe that Labor day is coming so soon and that marks the end of the summer. Where did it go? This summer went by so quickly I can hardly remember what went on. Let’s review the summer. Memorial Day I was in Denver doing my shooting camp for Mark Sharpley. The camp is always sold out. (Have I really been doing this   camp for ten years) Talk about time flying. Let’s not talk about flying at all, why ruin anyone’s day. From Denver I went over to China and the NIKE All Asia Camp. NIKE runs a great camp no matter where it is. After returning stateside I was in DC doing workouts for the upcoming draft. We brought in alot of players and got to see them both on and off the floor. Then it was off to India for Basketball without Borders. India was an experience that will never be forgotten. We don’t know how lucky we have it here in this country. Once stateside I was back in DC for our mini camp for the summer league. Once we broke camp we left for Vegas. Interesting having the summer league there. After Vegas I got home for a few days to spend time with my wife and daughter. Maine is beautiful. Got to spend some time with Carole and McKenna over a weekend that was work for me. We spent some time at the CT STARTERS CAMP and I got to see all of my close friends there. I have no idea how long I have been doing this camp. Afterwards we were off to the Cape and another camp.Then I went to Charlotte to work with Antawn and Brendan. It is a joy and a pleasure to work them out. They work hard and they listen. What more can you ask of them. Off to Vegas again for the camp that Tim Grguvich runs. I was very excited to work his camp and after working it, I realized it was much better than I expected and I expected it to be GREAT. Coach Grguvich is the best, Thank you so much for letting me work it and I look forward to returning every year. Got home for a couple of days and now I am back here in Charlotte with Antawn, Brendan and Darius. They are all working hard. So that is a little capsule of my summer. Hope everyone had a pleasurable one. Enjoy the remainder of it.

   I would like to thank everyone for reading my blog. I really didn’t think that there would be much interest, but I have received alot of feedback from people that read it. I promise them I will try to write more often.

   Take care and God Bless everyone and their families.

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